Тест с ответами на тему: «Past Perfect»

1. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) The old lady on the plane had been too nervous as she hadn’t flown before.
б) The old lady on the plane was too nervous as she hadn’t flown before.+
в) The old lady on the plane was too nervous as she didn’t fly before.

2. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) Unfortunately, the housw was dirty because they didn’t cleaned it for weeks.
б) Unfortunately, the housw was dirty because they hadn’t cleaned it for weeks.+
в) Unfortunately, the housw had been dirty because they hadn’t cleaned it for weeks.

3. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) David bought a new telephone as he had broken his old one.+
б) David had bought a new telephone as he had broken his old one.
в) David bought a new telephone as he broken his old one.

4. He _______ an apple before he _______ a phone call from her.
а) had eat, got
б) have eaten, got
в) had eaten, got+

5. I _______ chess as I _______ it before.
а) was good at, have played
б) was good at, had play
в) was good at, had played+

6. Последнее письмо, которое он написал, было потеряно. The last letter that he ______ was lost.
а) had written+
б) had wrote
в) wrote

7. This house _______ very quiet because everyone _______ to bed.
а) was, had go
б) was, had gone+
в) was, have gone

8. The girl _______ her teacher the article which her mother _______ .
а) showed, had translate
б) showed, had translated+
в) showed, have translated

9. My son _______ a car which _______ .
а) saw, had broken down+
б) saw, had broke down
в) see, had broken down

10. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) He hadn’t join the course as he didn’t prepared his CV.
б) He didn’t join the course as he hadn’t prepared his CV.+
в) He didn’t joined the course as he hadn’t prepared his CV.

11. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) We were sure we had made a big mistake.+
б) We had been sure we had made a big mistake.
в) We did sure we had made a big mistake.

12. Он скрывал, что купил велосипед для своего сына. He ______ it secret that he ______ a bicycle for his son.
а) keep, had bought
б) kept, had bought+
в) kept, bought

13. Аманда уже помыла свою машину вчера к 2 часам? ______ her car by 2 o’clock yesterday?
а) Had Amanda has washed
б) Did Amanda wash
в) Had Amanda washed+

14. At my 1st driving lesson I was very nervous because I ______. before.
a) hadn’t never driven
б) had never driven+
в) had never drived

15. Maria didn’t want to join us at the party, she ______. to do something else that day.
a) had already arranged+
б) had already arrange
в) had already aranged

16. In the park we saw a crying girl, she cried because __ __ __. her money and passport.
a) she had loose
б) she had lost+
в) had she lost

17. So she thought that somebody ____ it.
a) had steeled
б) hadn’t stolen
в) had stolen+

18. First I decided to call the police but then I found that __ __ __ my mobile in the car.
a) I had forgoted
б) I had forgoten
в) I had forgotten+

19. I was late because I ______ in a jam.
a) had stuck+
б) had stick
в) stick

20. We went out after it ______ raining.
a) had stopped+
б) be stopped
в) had been stopped

21. I thanked him for what he ______ for me.
a) did+
б) had been done

22. Maria’s grandparents were no longer with her, they ______ away.
a) have passed
б) had pased
в) had passed+

23. When Max met Liz, he hardly recognized her, she ______. a lot.
a) had changed+
б) has been changed
в) changed.

24. На следующий день я пришел к ней домой, но она уже уехала.
а) I went to her house the next day, but she had already gone.+
б) I had go to her house the next day, but she already gone.
в) I went to her house the next day, but she already gone.

25. Джулия приготовила ужин, а затем пошла на прогулку. Julia ______ dinner and then ______ for a walk.
а) cooked, went+
б) had cooked, went
в) had cooked, had gone

26. While taking a walk I was stopped by a very strange woman, I was sure I ______ her before.
a) hadn’t see
б) hadn’t seen+
в) had saw

27. The house he ______ was of a modern design.
a) was built
б) built+
в) had been built

28. My mother was worried because I ______ in touch with her for a long time.
a) haven’t been
б) hadn’t been+
в) wasn’t

29. The police came too late, the robber ____ away.
a) had already run+
б) had already runed
в) had already ran

30. It was so quiet at home when I came back. Everybody ____. to bed.
a) had went
б) had gone+
в) had go

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