Тест с ответами по теме: «Неопределенные местоимения something, everything, nothing, nobody»

1. Their parents didn’t visit ______ in France.
а) anybody+
b) anywhere
c) nobody

2. Where did your children from college go last summer? _____. They stayed in the country.
а) something
b) anywhere
c) nowhere+

3. There is ___________________ in the school. The building is empty. The pupils are on vacation.
a) somebody
b) anybody
c) nobody+

4. ___________________ can answer this question. It is very simple.
a) Someone
b) Anyone+
c) No one

5. There is ___________________ in the office now, I am afraid. It is lunch hour.
a) somebody
b) nobody+
c) anybody

6. ___________________ knows where Margaret is at present. She hasn’t left her address to anyone.
a) Someone
b) Anyone
c) No one+

7. Brian’s pen is broken; he has got ___________________ to write with.
a) something
b) anything
c) nothing+

8. Kate was sitting alone; she wasn’t with ___________________ .
a) someone
b) anyone+
c) no one

9. Abby knows ___________________ about computers. She is a computer programmer.
a) something
b) anything
c) everything+

10. What did your brother buy in a shop yesterday? _______.
а) somebody
b) anything
c) nothing+

11. Our parents slept in a railway-station because they didn’t have ____to stay.
а) somewhere
b) anywhere+
c) nowhere

12. _____ helped me while I was very sick.
а) anything
b) nobody+
c) anybody

13. I don’t know ___________________ about the computer device.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

14. I looked at the TV guide. There wasn’t ___________________ interesting on TV that day.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

15. Is there ___________________ in the corner of the room? — No, I can see nothing there.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

16. There is ___________________ in the next room, who wants to speak to you.
a) somebody+
b) anybody
c) nobody

17. Will you give me ___________________ to drink, please? I’m thirsty.
a) something+
b) anything
c) nothing

18. There are no chairs in the room; I have ___________________ to sit on.
a) something
b) anything
c) nothing+

19. The cinema is free. It doesn’t cost ___________________ to go in.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

20. Can I take one of your magazine? — Of course. Take ___________________ you like.
a) something
b) anything+
c) nothing

21. He thinks he knows everything about ___________________ .
a) everybody+
b) somebody
c) anybody

22. I can’t find my pencils. I always put them somewhere and then look for them ___________________ .
a) somewhere
b) everywhere+
c) nowhere

23. ___________________ knows anything about his background.
a) Somebody
b) Anybody
c) Nobody+

24. Ann said ___________________ but I didn’t understand her.
a) something+
b) anything
c) nothing

25. Hello! Is ___________________ home? Where is everybody? — Please, don’t shout, Sam. I am in the kitchen and your father is in the garden.
a) somebody
b) anybody+
c) nobody

26. The movie theatre is empty; there is ___________________ in the auditorium.
a) somebody
b) anybody
c) nobody+

27. You are right. ___________________ you say is true.
a) something
b) nothing
c) everything+

28. Look! ___________________ has broken the window.
a) somebody+
b) anybody
c) nobody

29. Mary is living in Russia now ___________________ near Moscow.
a) somewhere+
b) anywhere
c) nowhere

30. It’s autumn. You can see yellow leaves ___________________ .
a) somewhere
b) everywhere+
c) nowhere

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